Thursday, July 18, 2013

Permit Progress!

Again, we have been waiting the last few months for any word from the Department of Buildings on the permits we applied for.

Even with an expeditor, getting permits approved in NYC requires a large degree of patience! Things move slowly and your timeline gets more and more hypothetical as time passes.

Our bank has been extremely understanding (remember that a 203k project should take only 6 months according to the requirements!) and realizes it is out of our hands.

Also, you obviously never want to begin work without the proper permits. If there is something the city does quickly, it is find out who is doing work without permits! This can mean considerable fines, denial of permits, and more time wasted.

However, this week we hope to have progress. We received the following notice from the DOB:

Please join my meeting:

      Meeting Method: Virtual-GoToMeeting
      Scheduled For: 7/23/2013 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM
      Toll-Free: (877) XXX-XXXX
      Participant Code: XXXXXX
      Meeting ID: XXX-XXX-XXX

      Host Code (DOB Use Only): XXXXXX
      Booked By: John Doe

Thank you for your interest in the NYC Development Hub. This meeting is scheduled in response to your recent online consultation form submission to determine if your project will be accepted.
This meeting is to discuss any major issues on the project. This meeting usually takes about 10-15 mins. If you cannot join us virtually, please dial in on the conference call.
NOTE: Applicant of record or a representative from the applicant’s office must attend the meeting.
Please have the following items readily available to discuss during this meeting:
  1. Description of Proposed Work (Existing vs. Proposed: use, # stories, floor area)
  2. Code review this project will file under; 1938 / 1968 / 2008 Building Code
  3. Anticipated issues and obstacles
  4. Other Agencies involved
  5. Project timeline
***This is scheduled as a virtual meeting, if you would like to come in person and expect to bring in more than people, please contact us immediately to confirm a conference room***

So after months, we have a "10-15 minute virtual meeting".

I hope this means approval within a month of that. We are so anxious to get started.

In the beginning the extra time was almost nice - more time to plan, finalize details, save a little more money before it goes into walls and floors and finishes....

Now, it's more the thought of "maybe we can host next Christmas" turning into "maybe by the spring" to "maybe a July 4th party?". 

So July 23rd is the day! 

At least it's progress!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited!!! And your floor plan looks incredible! Love you both :)
