Monday, June 17, 2013

Renovation Status!

We have not provided updates to the blog in a while. This is not due to loss of interest or forgetting about the blog – unfortunately, it is because there is not much to provide an update on! We wish that we had a lot more to talk about, but over the last few months, most only thing going on is crossed fingers that our permits get approved.
The original permit applications to do the gut demolition of the inside of the building were approved very quickly. Then demolition was over in the blink of an eye – two weeks included full demo and clean-up. Since then, our architect and engineer have submitted the plans for reconstruction and alterations of the building. There has been a little back and forth between them, with requests for additional exhibits and information, but here we are in June still without proper permit approval to proceed.
While each month that passes means another month postponement until we finally have a dream home to move into, the biggest issue with the delay is with our bank.
When a 203(k) loan is made, the bank expects work to be complete within a 6 month period.
Here we are at 6 months and we have barely started, because of the permits!
While it’s more paperwork, extensions are allowed, particularly when the cause of the delay is out of your control.

Will update later this week on other interesting topics from the last few months, including the insurance we recently renewed for an under renovation home as well as fun with the utility companies!


  1. I'm so sorry there's no real progress in the permit department! I hope it changes for you really soon. Scott and I always look forward to these updates!!

  2. Thank you, honey!! We have our fingers crossed that we can move forward soon! Can't wait to host you and Scott there!
