Friday, October 11, 2013

Our house - Flashback to 1940!

So here we are again several weeks (a couple months?) from my last update. Again, not intentional and not due to lack of interest. The delay is again simply from the fact that this is how long it takes to get the proper permits. It's amazing to me how quickly in the past year other friends of ours have simply moved into homes right after closing, or built new homes from the ground up in a shorter amount of time than our permit process....

To give an example of some of the questions/ requirements that the DOB poses - since some of the structure of our building isn't up to "current code" or technically allowable, we had to request pictures from the City from the 1940s and 1980s to prove that the structure has been like this since before the current code was in place...

Still waiting on the 1980s pictures, but here's a nice flashback to 1940. Forgive me for whiting out the sign in front - it marked the BBL of the property which might give some strangers out there a little too much information about ourselves.

Note the hopscotch on the street in front of the house!